Enviromental problem
I guess that, to all of us, the natural enviroment meas a lot (or it should mean a lot). After all, it's the only space in what we could develop as a species and that maintains us alive, but despite of that, in this period of history it's in more threat than ever berfore. Today the most important problem we have at a global scale it the climate crisis whe are suffering, that go from droughts and entire glaciars melting, increasing the sea level, to the deforestation and the burning of the Amazon rain forest. It's hard to think in a solution or in what type of contribution whe can made to help to the situation on a personal level. I guess that recycling and inform us about how it works it's a good idea, and reuse old stuff to help us minize the consume and waste of products it's also a good practice, but apart of that I don't think that it wil be enough to create a significant change in a individual level. After all, only one industry produce way most wastes in...