
Enviromental problem

I guess that, to all of us, the natural enviroment meas a lot (or it should mean a lot). After all, it's the only space in what we could develop as a species and that maintains us alive, but despite of that, in this period of history it's in more threat than ever berfore. Today the most important problem we have at a global scale it the climate crisis whe are suffering, that go from droughts and entire glaciars melting, increasing the sea level, to the deforestation and the burning of the Amazon rain forest. It's hard to think in a solution or in what type of contribution whe can made to help to the situation on a personal level. I guess that recycling and inform us about how it works it's a good idea, and reuse old stuff to help us minize the consume and waste of products it's also a good practice, but apart of that I don't think that it wil be enough to create a significant change in a individual level. After all, only one industry produce way most wastes in...

Post-graduate studies

Honestly I don't really tought until now if I would like to do postgraduate studies, and pathetically I don't even know really well how it works, because I'm lazy and I don't spend time doing productive things. Like I say in the other entry, I'm not really good at thinking in my future (less in this moment right now), mostly becauses it gives me anxiety. But however, now that I'm thinking in that, I guess that I would like to do a postgrade studies, maybe one about digital comunication, mostly because I think that it's a topic that interest me and that I think that I should learn more about it. I think that It would be usefull to me, because it will help me to expand my area of knowledge, in a theoretical and practical way, and also it will be usefull for the personal development of my own skills. I guess that I will study in this country, maybe, but if I have the option to go to another country and stay there studying I would accept with pleasure, because I...

Future Job.

For me it's kind of weird to talk about the future because I still have many things unresolved and I'm kind of a indesicive person, so I don't think in the future too much, I just try to resolve in a good way my problems in the present. However, to this day I'm still thinking   in what thing I will do in the future. In an ideal world I would do nothing and live from sunbeams, but that's not possible so I think I would like to be film editor.  In a simple explanation, film editing it's just take all the separated shots of the film, and then order and assemble them in  a way that it makes sense to the viewers of the movie. I guess that I like the Idea of being an essential part of a film, helping to give coherence to something. It's kind of like making a puzzle, just more harder. I think that the skills you need to do the job are: have a lot of patience, know how to organize your time and the work material itself (being organized in a general way). You need...

Favourite music and best album

I like many types of music, but I really don't have an specific musical genre that is my favourite. Between the genres I like are rock, funk, jazz, synthwave and other, but I'm not an expert in then, I like them but I don't understand music on a technical level, I just know that I like listen to them.  I have many favourite artists and bands that I like, but I'm not really a big fan of any of them, there are songs in specific that I like. I guess that some of my favourite bands will be Faith no More, Pink Floyd and Queen, and between some of my favorites albums are "The Wall" by Pink Floyd, released in 1979, and "King for a Day... Fool for a Lifetime" and "Angel Dust", both made by Faith no More and released in 1995 and 1992 respectively.  I don't know if Pink Floyd it's an acquired taste from my dad, but "The Wall it's an album that I really like, maybe because it has an personal and distressing tone in his songs ...

The very best movie I ever seen

Today I'm going to talk about one of my favourite movies in the world, called "The Thing". I really like cinema, specially genres like science fiction, westerns and horror. This movie I think Its one of the most greatest examples of good horror, and trully one of the most disturbing, disgusting and suspenseful film I have seen. (I'm kind of exaggerating a little bit but whatever.) The movie is about a scientific research group in the Antartica that are harassed by an ominous shapeshifter monster who can assimilate the appearance of any person he has killed, also they are at the beggining of the winter, so no one will come to help . So the movie apart of being a bloodblath it's a sotry about isolation, distrust and paranoia. The movie was released in 1982 and was directed by John Carpenter and it's based in a novella from 1938 called "Who goes there?". Initially it recieved bad critics because of his grim pessimistic tone, but later the movie will...

The very best hollyday I had

I really don't remenber any very special holyday, I guess the ones I celebrate when I was a kid was the ones I enjoy the most. I remember some parts of the christhmas from my childhood. I think those where the hollydays that I  really liked. I guess the best chirsthmas we have was the one where whit my family (Dad, Mom and my sister) go to visit my aunt to ViƱa del Mar. I think we stay there the whole weekend or maybe some more days, I don't remember really  because I have bad memory. However, I remember that we have a dinner and the next day we go to the beach. I was kind of a special day because we never reallly spend a hollyday whit my aunt until that day, and she was a person that I really appreciate, also  we as a family never really expend so much time or festivities with some other family members aside of our. Or at least that was when I was a kid, today I only want to stay in my house and don't see a single soul.

A country I will like to visit

I will really like to visit many asian countries. Maybe Japan is the one I'm more interested about. I guess its because of his beautiful landscapes, forests, little towns and famous touristic zones, or maybe because it's the most well-know place from Asia. From the history of the country itself I don't really know much about it. Only some details about the culture of the people in there (like his kind of depressing lifestyle, some of his religious beliefs and a small part of the historical events that affect the country.) I would really like to visit the country just for the experience, stay there like just a week and then go to other place, but it's not that I will like to live there, it's a beatifull place but I guess I won't fell comfortable for many time. Some of the places i will like to visit will be some of the temples and sanctuaries from the  area. Also there's a forest near the Mount Fuji called Aokigahara forest, also known as the "suic...